About me

My name is Diarmuid Gillingham. I am currently 19 years of age. I am studying economics and German. Despite this I have always had a passion for journalism and photography. In my own mind I have proven on-line that I am a talented photographer. I have also shown I can speak about topics that I am well informed in, for example football. I guess now I want to do more. I want to show that I am a potential freelance journalist who can hold his own outside of topics that are not his hobbies. At the same time that does not mean I will not play to my strengths.

I ask you, where do we all get our inspiration? For me it’s the world around me and in particular people. So I came up with this idea. Why not interview people and find out what makes them tick. Why do they get up in the morning? What’s important to them? How do they see the world around them? I am a strong believer in the fact that it does not matter where somebody is from, what religion they are or even their education effect, their ability to teach us something worthwhile.

Everybody has something of value to say, it’s just a matter of asking. Don’t believe me?, just give me a chance to prove you wrong

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